I’ve written here before that reading comic books hurts my brain. It turns out I was reading them at the wrong time of day!

I believed I tried everything: reading during my usual Special Novel Time in the morning, dedicating a lazy Sunday afternoon, becoming a hermit in my bedroom for an evening… Everything. Almost everything.

The best and worst parts about comic books is how loud they are. If you attempt to read an action-packed comic like a novel, it may not do anything for you. They just don’t read like their cousins comic strips, manga, general graphic novels, and even magazines. Comic books are long unlike comic strips, gritty unlike most manga, presented with a myriad of color unlike many other graphic novels, and more involved than magazines. When you open a comic book, it shouts at you until you sit down and let it invade your brain space. This is very much like television.

If you love watching TV before bed like I do, I suggest you switch to comic books. Studies show it’s not good for your sleep cycle to be in front of a screen right before heading to bed. To kick this bad habit for a better one, find a comic book with an art style that resonates with you. Lie in bed and open the book right in front of your face. Now cling to the action and let the dialogue and/or narration guide you; let the television show unfold before your eyes. The best part is you can stop whenever you want and pick it up without having to load a show. Rewinding to refresh your memory takes less time. Even the longer comic books are divided into episodes!


Have you read any of these?


Marvel Her-Oes Kick-Ass 2 Prelude: Hit-Girl
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Vol.1 Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Vol.2

Batman: The Long Halloween Batgirl/Robin Year One

Protip: If your library doesn’t have a specific comic book section, look for it in Non-fiction 741.5 in adult, juvenile, and teens.